About Saniki.

Saniki Wessels is an artist who lives in Betty's Bay, near Hermanus, in the Overberg of Western Cape. It is part of the Kogelberg Biosphere and Nature Reserve. The beauty of the Fynbos of this area, was her  inspiration for a series of landscapes.

About Saniki Wessels

She takes her own photographs of the awesome mountains, valleys, sea and the wide variety of the Fynbos flowers and plants in her immediate surroundings.

Betty's Bay Artist
Artist Saniki Wessels


Saniki uses large canvasses  to capture the vastness of this beautiful area. Only fynbos that bloom in the same time of the year, are used to create the colourful abundance that comes to live in her all landscapes paintings.

See Gallery


It is a journey that takes her to learn and know the scientific as well as common names of these plants. A new vision and fresh creativity opened up for Saniki two years ago.

Fynbos Exibition

Unfortunately her Fynbos Solo Exhibition at The Ecology Living Winery in March 2020, had to be postponed, due to the Covid Virus.

Saniki Wessels Gallery

This gallery displays Saniki's most recent portfolio. Feel free to contact her at saniki@mweb.co.za

Saniki Wessels Gallery